Saturday, January 12, 2013

Weigh-In Saturday

I've been waiting for this moment all week - the final call.  Remember, I weigh every day, so I'm not exactly shocked at my weight when I see it on Saturday.  When I used to only weigh in once a week at WW I would dread weigh-ins.  I never knew what the number was going to be, did I lose, did I stay the same? The anticipating every week drove me crazy - and didn't really motivate me.  You see, it'd be a Tuesday or Wednesday night and I would've though, "Okay, I've clearly had enough time to lose weight now, I can go out for burgers and fries and exercise it off by Saturday.  No problem!"  Um, yeah, that doesn't work.  Even if you don't track what you eat your body knows! With weighing myself every day I can see the subtle fluctuations and it motivates me to keep on track.  For example, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the scale went up .1 or .2 each day even though I was eating on plan.  Seeing this motivated me to keep staying on plan b/c I wanted a stellar WI.  And, I'm happy to say, I got it! Drum roll please!

Weigh-In #2: -5.3 - woohoo!!!
Total Weight Loss: -7.1
Thoughts: Okay, this is a huge loss in one week.  Now, before you go all, "are you eating all your points/you're starving yourself/etc" I want to point a few things out.  It's pretty typical for people to lose large amounts the first few weeks as their body adjusts to the program.  Also, remember my first WI was done after only being on program for 4 days, so my body clearly hadn't adjusted.  Last, I had knee surgery two weeks ago. So, I went from laying around and not being able to walk to fully mobile and teaching last week! With all of this said, I'm still pretty excited about the weight loss - whatever the reason behind such a big loss is - I'm completely motivated to stay on track this week after seeing what results can be like if I do stay on track!!

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